Congress committed to ensuring protection of rights of J&K people: Bhalla


JAMMU, Feb 23
JKPCC Working President Raman Bhalla today urged the Election Commission of India to hold simultaneous Legislative Assembly and the Parliamentary elections in the Jammu and Kashmir because the people would get an elected Govt after five years of gap. Bhalla raised this demand while addressing aggrieved people of RS Pura Jammu South constituency. Five years have passed to Jammu and Kashmir without an elected Govt.
Bhalla said the biggest achievement of BJP is that the J&K is now on the top of the states and UTs to have the highest percentage of educated unemployed youth. The unemployment rate in J&K is highest in the country and this is the achievement of BJP-controlled administration”. Bhalla said that every section of the society is bearing brunt of the anti-people policies being pursued by the BJP government at the Centre. He said that unemployment is growing like never before and the backbone of the common people is broken due to inflation and skyrocketing rise in the prices of essential commodities. He accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of indulging in politics of hatred and division, and said he should focus on the country’s development instead.
“Except hoodwinking the gullible masses by raking up emotive issues BJP has done nothing to solve basic problems of the people”, Bhalla said and pointed out every section of the society be it youth, women, working-class, weaker sections, and minorities are bearing brunt of the wrong policies of BJP.“As day today problems of the masses are compounding due to wrong policies of the government, the BJP is shamelessly indulged into fueling the hatred across the country to divert peoples’ attention from basic issues like unemployment, inflation, etc”, Bhalla said.Blasting the BJP for failure on all fronts, the former Minister asked the people of Jammu to remain vigilant against such evil designs of BJP.
Bhalla said Congress is committed to ensuring the protection of the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and bringing them out of the miseries they have been facing for quite a long time. He said, “In the prevailing uncertainty in Jammu and Kashmir, Congress stands as a beacon of hope, with its leadership dedicated to bringing about a positive change here. Unlike other political parties, we do not aspire to attain power just to rule but to serve the people. We stand in support of the people of Jammu and Kashmir like a rock, as our mission is to protect their rights and ensure their prosperity and well-being.” He urged the party workers to remain active in order to strengthen the organisational set-up further.
Bhalla said, “We have to strengthen our party further to make it powerful enough to serve the people better. It is imperative that we attract and involve the younger generation within our party ranks.
Together, we can safeguard the rights of the people, and foster prosperity and well-being in their lives.” He assured that Congress has a clear-cut vision for a prosperous future of Jammu and Kashmir. He said, “The leadership of Party comprises seasoned and veteran politicians with a crystal-clear vision. These leaders are dedicated to shaping a brighter future for Jammu and Kashmir, especially for our youth. I assure you that we will guide our youth toward a path of development and prosperity.
Bhalla said we need a permanent peace in J&K to ensure a better future for our young generation and generations to come.” He urged people not to fall prey to the deceptive slogans of parties. He said, “You must not forget that these parties and their leaders have deceived you through fake promises and emotional sloganeering. If these political parties and their leaders were sincere, they would have seized the opportunity at that time, bringing more autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir. But the fact is, they were interested only in attaining and retaining power for themselves. They were least bothered about the future of J&K.” He said that these political parties have lost their credibility among the people. He stated, “These political parties have lost credibility among the masses as they stand exposed for their misleading narratives and fake promises.
Bhalla expressed his profound concern over the prevailing public issues and grievances and blamed the BJP for it. He said, “Look at the growing unemployment in Jammu and Kashmir. Even our highly educated youth are unable to find jobs here.
The same is the case regarding other public issues and grievances. He urged people to strengthen the party so that it is powerful enough to implement its agenda, which is to ensure lasting peace, prosperity and development in Jammu and Kashmir.He said it’s evident that the BJP and its led administration is scared to face people. “The delay of five years in holding assembly elections implies their reluctance to establish a democratically-elected government in Jammu and Kashmir.”He said the BJP has sensed it’s defeat across Jammu and Kashmir be it ULB polls or assembly and their anxiety is clearly visible through their actions. “The government has made mockery of itself. The reputation of democratic institutions such as the ECI has gone down in people’s eyes.”


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