Yuva Vani Event & Career Guidance Seminar organised by Dogra Degree College


Counseling & Placement Cell of Dogra Degree College organized The Yuva Vani awareness programme on 12th of February, 2024 in college auditorium to attract students towards Agri-preneurship schemes under Holistic Agriculture Development Programme. The event was conducted on the direction of Chief, Agricultural Officer, Agricultural Department, Samba, Mr. Sanjay Verma and guidance of Joint Director, Animal Husbandry Department, J&K, Mr. Tara Chand.
Students evinced keen interest in employment opportunities in the agri-sector. The participants were encouraged by experts to become job providers instead of job seekers by undertaking projects under the Holistic Agriculture Develo-pment Programme (HADP), in the Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, Fisheries, and other allied sectors. They were also informed about Kisan Sathi and Daksh Kisan.
The Chief, Animal Husbandry Department, Mr Rahul Dev enlightened the youth about the benefits of agriculture as a profession. Chief, Agricultural Officer, Agricultural Department, Samba, Mr. Sanjay Verma, Joint Director, Husbandry Department J&K, Ex-Chairman, Municipal Corporation, Bari Brahmana, Mr Bachan, Waste Segregation & Management ,Munici-pal Corporation ,Bari Brahmana, Ms. Roshi Sharma, JAEO, Agricultural Depart-ment, Mr. Gulshan Sharma, Ward Member, Bassi Kalan, Mr. Tarsem Thapa, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Dr Manmeet Singh, Sanitary Supervisor, IEC, Mr Ankur Bhadauriya , Assistant Surgeon, Veterinary Sciences, Animal Husbandry J&K, Mr. Mohd. Ashrat Mir, Expert, Horticulture Department J&K, Ms. Shresta Gaur, Agriculture Extension Assistant, Mr. Rakesh Kundan, Expert Apiculture Mr. Sumesh Sharma, Expert, Mushroom Cultivation, Mr Koushal Singh Jamwal & officers/officials of other departments also gave their inputs in their area of expertise and students queries and doubts were well addressed by experts.
In the second session, A seminar on career guidance was organised by the Counseling & Placement Cell of Dogra Degree College conducted by Mr Aryan Verma, Branch Head, T.I.M.E Institute, Jammu. The seminar saw participation from 150 students of BBA, BA & B.Com. The programme was aimed to aware the students with the various fields in which they can opt their career after completing their graduation specially targeting on Banking and corporate sector. The resource person delivered the highest quality of career guidance and counseling to effectively shape and mould the future for graduates. The students were enlightened on how to be successful in achieving their long term vision of a secure career which is at par to their aspirations. During the interactive session, the students had actively participated and a lot of queries were raised by the students.
Dr. Samar Dev Singh Charak, Secretary DET, appreciated the initiative taken by Dr. Bela Thakur, Principal, Dogra Degree College for conducting this interactive session cum Seminar on “Career Guidance”. Both the events saw the presence of Ms Geetika Sehgal, Coordinator DET, Ms Suchi Sharma, Coordinator DLC , Ms Kanchan Dubey, IQAC DDC, Ms.Preeti, Placement Officer. The event finally concluded with a vote of thanks presented by Mr. Ravinder Kumar Rao, Assistant Professor in English followed by the singing of National Anthem.


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