JKAACL showcases scintillating presentation at Vijaypur


The dying folk forms of Jammu region witnessed immense support from the august gathering in a cultural extravaganza at BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur. The occasion was organised by J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages who has left no stone unturned to create a history in Samba district. The presentations by the artists of J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages mesmerized audiences with its scintillating performances which include Hern, Geetru, Karkaan, Phumniyan etc. Shilpa Dubey, DDC, Samba was the chief guest on the occasion who commended the efforts of the JKAACL artists for promotion of local folk art and culture in Vijaypur. She further said such kind of initiatives always takes the Culture to the next level of preservation of arts and more such occasions should be created so that age old traditions, which are the identities of our culture, are revived. Such festivities play a major role in promoting communal harmony, brotherhood and community participation. I hope that JKAACL will continue to come up with such kind endeavours in Vijaypur, she added.
Addressing the august gathering, Sh. Bharat Singh, JKAS Secretary, J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages stated that JKAACL is very devoted for the promotion of art and culture in the entire length & breadth of the Union Territory Jammu & Kashmir. One can easily find the representation of JKAACL in almost every event happening in J&K. Today’s programme was one such example where we tried to showcase our dying culture tradition of Jammu region.
The highlight of the programme was the vibrant presentation of Hern Dance by CD Magotra and Party in which the group of performers with Hern (Deer) as its central character supported by a group of folk dancers in traditional attire, local drum players and few prominent characters like ‘Raja’, ‘Wazir’, ‘Sadhu’, and a caretaker of Hern move in a carnival and this mobile traditional theatre moves from house to house covering the entire village. Singing and dancing, this group of performers reflects upon the socio, economic and political state of the area through small satirical acts. The Raja represents the Ruler; the Wazir represents the bureaucracy, and the co-dancers, the public and there begins the caricature of the rule, the wisdom behind and the sufferings of the common-man. Two actors wearing a mask of the deer, through their body language, create interesting rhythmic moves.
The traditional play moves at the will of the movement of ‘Hern’. The change of the postures of the Hern gives new twists to the story line and all performers judiciously follow that. C D Magotra himself played as King and made interesting comments on the contemporary socio-economic and political status of the State which was highly applauded and appreciated by the audiences.
The stage was further taken over by Dhani Ram & Party who presented Chajja Dance, Sanjeet Mehra & Party showcased Dogri Dance, Raj Kumar & Party performed rarest traditional singing form ‘Karkaan’, Renu Verma Sung Bhajans, Rattan Lal Shugal & Party presented Punjabi Dance and Arjun’s soulful singing awestrucked everyone in the audiences.
The highlight of the day was yet another dying folk form called Geetru which is a traditional narrative song-dance form in which the lead singer also performs some dance steps and attimes also uses the theatrical devices as well. Performed by a group of eight to ten artists in which the lead performer is followed by the others as chorus with the accompaniment of a Dholak and a ‘Chimta’ and powerful group singing.
The jubilant performance was given by Rakesh Kumar and party.
Prominent among those who attended the programme include Dimple Sharma, Chairman, BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur , Sandhaya Sharma, Principal, BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur and Rohit Gupta, SDPD, Vijaypur.
The programme was ably conducted by Sat Pal Singh and coordinated by Sanjeev Gupta, SOCA Kathua.


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