Health Check Up cum Wellnes camp for drivers held


JAMMU, Jan 31
In line with ongoing Road Safety Month 2024 an medical camp organized by Team RTO Jammu, in collaboration with the Taxi Operators Union, here today at Trikuta Nagar .
Speaking on the occassion R.T.O Jammu Pankaj Bhagotra K.A.S said that such camps are being organized for pripritizing the physical well being of drivers as if they are healthy anf fit it will significantly contribute to safety of passengers and other riad users.
During the camp more tha 300 drivers participated for vatious health check-up component included screenings, identifying health issues like B.P,Sugar, Hb , Vision check-ups encompassed detailed eye examinations, with corrective measures such as prescription glasses distribution were arranged for drivers.
During the camp awareness sessions on road safety was alao conducted by A.R.T.O and Representatives from Various Transport Unions. Prominent speakers like C.M.O Jammu J.T C Transport Deartment and A.R.T.Os addressed the audience on topics like safe driving practices, stress management, vehicle maintenance, and emergency response training.
On the occassion J.T.C Transport Depatment said that such collaboration with the Taxi Operators Union for organizing awareness camps played a vital role in bringing the required behaviour change among drivers to promote road safety.
The programme was ended with vote of Thanks by president Railway Taxi Unioun Sh.Davinder Choudhary and Secretary AJKT W Secretary Sanjeev choudhary.
Among others S.S.P.Traffic C.M.O Jammu,Joint Transport Commissioner Jk, A.R.T.O Hq,A.R.T.O B.O.I(G&P), Dysp Traffic ,representatives from various Transport uniouns and drivers were present on the occasion


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