JAMMU, Dec 22
The 3rd Phase of Early Identification of Disabilities in Ten Target Schools of Jammu and Samba district culminated successfully today. This Pilot Programme was initiated by the National Development Foundation J&K Jammu in collaboration with the Directorate of SamagraShiksha J&Kand the Directorate of School Education Jammu with support from UNICEF India. The Directorate of Health Services Jammu provided technical support for the 3rd Phase through RBSK Teams of CMO Jammu and CMO Samba.
In the 1st Phase, the School Teachers, with the help of Resource Persons / Special Educators and the NDF Team, screened the children as prescribed in the Prashast App. In the 2nd Phase, further screening was done by the Special Educators facilitated by the NDF Team. In the 3rd Phase, the final identified children were screened by RBSK teams of Jammu and Samba deputed by CMO Jammu and Samba, respectively.
Mr. Rajiv Khajuria, President NDF, in a statement, thanked all those involved in the screening of the students of the target schools. He mentioned that it was not possible without the active collaboration of the Directorate of SamagraShiksha J&K and the Directorate of School Education Jammu. He lauded the role and support of Chief Education Officer Jammu Sh. JagdeepPadha, Chief Education Officer Samba Sh. KewalKrishan, RBSK Team of Jammu comprising of Dr. Nikhil Jamwal, Dr. Harjinder Pal Singh & Dr. ShivangiKotwal, RBSK Team Samba comprising of Dr. RituAbrol, Dr. Mukesh Dubey & Dr. Baljinder, Special Educators Jammu Ms. Sapna& Ms. Rachna, Special Educators Samba Ms. Aisha and NDF Team Members Mr. Amit Kundal Ms. NishaPandita, Mr. Aman Sharma & Ms. PriteeManhas. He assured that NDF will continue the follow-up of the diagnosed children with their parents and RBSK Teams with active participation of the target schools. He also thanked the HOI’s and teachers of the target schools for their wholehearted support, namely GMS Dollian, GPS Palli, GMS Meen Sarkar, GMS Barjani, GMS Bari Brahmana, SRML HSS Parade, GGHSS Bazar Qasaban, GHS Muthi, GMS Upper Paloura& GGHS ChakChangerwah.