PM SHRI initiative: Students of GHS Perhinder visit GPC Ramban


RAMBAN, Dec 14
As part of PM SHRI initiative, the students of Government High School, Perhinder today visited Government Polytechnic Ramban under the aegis of the Deputy Commissioner, Ramban Baseer-Ul -Haq Chaudhary for exposure-cum-industrial tour.
As many as 120 students, both girls and boys of the Government High School Perhinder along with 7 staff members visited Government Polytechnic Chanderkote, Ramban for Exposure-cum-industrial tour. under the initiative The demonstrator Er Aabid Hussain delivered the welcome speech and explained the students about the polytechnic sector and motivated them to pursue skill based education. The Head of the Department of Government Polytechnic Ramban, Er Pawan Kumar deliberated in detail about the benefits of Skill Education via Polytechnic institutions in various available streams and motivated the students to pursue their career through this path to get an early job.
Students were taken to the labs for live demonstration of different machines installed in the institution.
The students keenly explored the infrastructure and eagerly posed certain queries about the different instruments.
The school faculty accompanied, thanked the staff and Principal of Polytechnic, Chanderkote Er. Vivek Mahajan for this opportunity and such a wonderful arrangement for an exposure tour of their students.


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