‘Drug abuse destroying younger generation’: Ganesh


JAMMU, Nov 30
Shiv Sena Hindustan Youth Wing J&K President Ganesh Choudhary on Thursday said that drug peddlers bring destruction to society and drugs peddlers should not be granted bail easily as they do heinous crime of drug peddling. Addressing protesters, Ganesh said drug abuse and its trafficking had created havoc in the society particularly damaging and destroying the young generation from whom lot of expectations of the not only from the parents but also from the general masses.But for this drug abuse future of hundreds of young people have been dashed to ground and the peddlers are the instruments for bringing such destruction in the society which needs to be dealt with strong an iron hands at each level,” Ganesh said.
“Police, executive and judiciary and even the general public owe a duty towards the society to at least come forward and join hands to destroy the nexus and the people involved in such like nefarious activities destroying the future of the young generation for the petty gains should be taken to task,” Ganesh said.
Ganesh said J&K is caught in this vicious circle of drug abuse, and the numbers of drug addicts are increasing day by day.
The bane of drug abuse in J&K has acquired the proportions of a pestilence that has shaken the entire society in the state. In J&K “drug abuse” is a raging epidemic, especially among the young. The problem of drug abuse in youth is a matter of serious concern as every third person is hooked to drugs other than alcohol and tobacco.
The other striking issue is high prevalence of heroin and intravenous drug abuse.
Ganesh lashed out at Pakistan for pumping in drugs through drug mafia with sinister designs to exploit our youth. He said, ” Pakistan is playing the dirty game of exploiting our youth not only by handing over guns to them but also by pumping in drugs through its mafia and make them addicts,” he alleged and said that Pakistan is a coward nation and by indulging into such acts, it has proved it.
“Police undoubtedly doing a great job by seizing contrabands of drugs worth multi-crore being smuggled outside the state but the sad affair is that the big fishes, who are running the trade are still at large and succeeding in their nefarious designs,” pointed out Ganesh.Ganesh also welcomed some of the social and political organizations, who are blowing bugle against drug abuse, have finally woken and joined hands in united fight led by J&K Police for the cause in the interest and welfare of the society.
Prominent among those present during protest included Bharat Bhushan, Shankar Singh, Yashpal ,Prabhu Dayal, Mohan Lal, Ajay Kumar, Nek Ram Raj Kumar Rahul Kumar, Premchand, Bhushan Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Kamal Kumar, Madhu Bala, Neelam Kumari, Sonia Chaudhary, Reena Devi, Sunita Devi ,Asha Devi, Suman Devi, Tripta Devi ,Rajni Devi ,Santosh Devi, Rimpi Devi, Pola, Prem Kumar.


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