Special Gram Sabhas held across district Ramban


RAMBAN, APRIL 10: District Administration Ramban today organized  Special Gram Sabhas   across all 143 panchayats of the district Ramban to finalize the Gram Panchayat Development Plan(GPDP).

Secretary to government GAD, Sanjeev Verma, participated in gram sabha held in Maitra-A panchayat through virtual mode. He interacted with the PRIs and the general public.

Secretary Cooperatives, Yasha Mudgal, also participated in the Gram Sabha of Kunfer Panchayat through online mode where a large number of public, PRIs  and officers from line department were present.

The Gram Sabha meetings were aimed at to discuss and finalize Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) along with the development plans proposed by line departments for socio-economic development of each panchayat.

The Plan(s) incorporated theme based budgeting which aims to achieve sustainable development goals envisaged by UNO and pursued by GOI with special focus on nine themes to be achieved by 2030 by all Panchayats.

 People in good numbers participated in the Gram Sabha meetings and put forth their demands before respective Prabhari Officers, in whose presence Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) were given final shape and approved for implementation/ execution in the current financial year.


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