Lockdown-Like Restrictions Return in Union territory | Read Details


All government and private schools, hostels and coaching centres in the union territory of Ladakh will remain shut till 23 January in view of the rising Covid-19 cases, according to a new order issued on Thursday.

The order further adds that bars, restaurants can operate with 25 percent seating capacity. Public transport can ply with half of the seating capacity-no entry without masks.

Here are the guidelines issued by the government:

  1. All Govt. /Private Schools as well as Residential Hostels/Schools shall continue to remain closed for in-person/on-site classes.
  2. All Institutes imparting Coaching/Tuition/Training/Workshop etc. shall remain closed for in-person/on-site Classes/Courses/Program etc. ‘However, the same shall be encouraged through virtual made with strict adherence to the COVID SOPs/Guidelines.
  3. Bars, Restaurants, and Dhabas etc. shall operate with 25% of the seating ‘capacity with strict adherence to COVID Appropriate Behaviour (CAB). However, they shall encourage take-avay services as much as possible
  4. Dine-in services in the Hotels shall be allowed with 25% of capacity with strict adherence to COVID Appropriate Behaviour (CAB). However, they shall encourage room services as much as possible,
  5. The Hotel owner should provide hand hygiene (sanitizer dispenser) and thermal screening provisions at the entrance, The staff and guests should be allowed entry only if using face cover/masks. The face covers/masks have to be woe at all times inside the hotel by everyone. The details of the guests (travel history, medical condition et.) along with ID must be registered atthe reception.
  6. Gymnasiums, Sports Clubs, Fitness Centres, Snooker Centres, and other indoor activities shall remain completely closed.
  7. There shall be strict Night Curfew from 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM throughout the district. Non-essential services shall not be allowed during this period.
  8. Public Transport shall continue to ply with half of the seating capacity ‘maintaining proper socal distancing. Owners of public transports shall display “NO ENTRY WITHOUT FACEMASKS” boards and ensure its compliance. The ARTO Leh shall increase frequency of the Buses on the busiest routes to avoid crowding at the Bus Stops.
  9. The maximum number of people permitted to attend any indoor/outdoor gathering shall be strictly restricted to 20 or 50% of capacity whichever is less with Prior permission from the office of the undersigned/ Concerned SDMs.
  10. HOWEVER, if any permitted activity leads to crowding and congestion, then ‘appropriate steps in terms of staggering, rotation etc. shall be taken, and it shall be {ensured that principles of social distancing are not compromised.
  11. COVID Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) in the public places, Govt/Private offices/Workplaces i.e. wearing of masks, frequent use of hand wash sanitizers shall be strictly observed by everyone at all times.
  12. All district and subordinate offices shall minimise conducting in-person meetings and ensure optimal use of virtual mode for conducting official meeting, conference etc. The officers shall display “NO ENTRY WITHOUT FACEMASKS” boards at the entrance of their offices and ensure its compliance by everyone.
  13. The Merchant Association Leh shall ensure that guidelines related to. Social distancing and Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) are strictly followed in the ‘market area. Gatherings in shops should not be allowed. All the shop owners shall display “NO ENTRY WITHOUT FACEMASKS” boards at their shops and ensure its compliance. Shop owners shall be liable for penal action if any violation found with respect to Covid appropriate behaviour.
  14. The Chief Medical Officer, Le shall intensity testing and shall submit dally report regarding the ulation of available RT-PCR capacity to the undersigned. He shall closely monitor all the relevant statistics and Data in respect of COVID-19 for timely interventions, wherever required.
  15. There shall be intensive house-to-house surveillance by the surveillance teams constituted for the purpose.
  16. Home quarantineisoltion as advised by health department shall be followed by everyone
  17. The Information Department Leh shall intensify awareness on COVID Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) among the general pubic through all available media platforms. Likewise, the Municipal Committee Leh shall spread awareness by way of making announcements through speakers mounted on the vehicles in the public places.
  18. The Senior Superintendent of Pole, Leh; Addl. District Magistrate, Leh Assistant Regional Transport Officer, Leh; Superintendent of Police (Taf), Ladakh, and All ‘SDMs/Tehsildars shall ensure strict compliance of the above directives.
  19. Any violations of the above-mentioned directives shall nite action under Section 188 of IPC, Disaster Management Act, 2005 and Epidemic Disease Act 1897.


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