Power Minister R K Singh inaugurates diversion of Marusudar River of Pakal Dul Hydro Electric Project in Kishtwar


KISHTWAR: Union Power Minister R K Singh virtually inaugurated the diversion of Marusudar River of Pakal Dul Hydro Electric Project in Kishtwar. Pakal Dul HE Project (1,000 MW) is being constructed by Chenab Valley Power Projects Pvt Limited (CVPPPL), a joint venture company of National Hydro Electric Power Corporation (NHPC) and Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation (JKSPDC).

CVPPPL has been entrusted with 3,094 MW hydro power projects for construction in Jammu and Kashmir. Marusudar River is a major tributary of the Chenab River. Diversion of the River will pave the way for acceleration in construction activities of the Project. Singh directed the team of CVPPPL to work in a planned manner to expeditiously complete the construction works of Coffer Dam and Concrete Face Rockfill Dam for the overall completion of the project within the scheduled time. The union minister advised that accelerated development of hydropower projects is essential for grid balancing and generating peakpower.

He said Pakal Dul H E Project will contribute significantly in fulfilling the target of 450 GW Renewable energy by 2030. Singh said that through the project, investment of Rs 8,212 crore is being made in the region which will provide direct and indirect employment opportunities and will help the overall development of the local inhabitants.


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