JMC workers Smash Fruit Stalls, Vendors Seek Help


Jammu Municipal Corporation officials smashed fruits stalls today. The incident happened near SMGS Hospital when the JMC workers were on around in Jammu city. According to the vendors, the officials usually warn them for running businesses without work licenses and demand money.

“The JMC officials talk rudely. No one in the city has a work license. They demand about Rs. Five thousand as a bribe, and if denied, they throw away the stalls. The pandemic has already created financial pressure on everyone and now is another one,’ said a fruit vendor.

“We generally follow the Government directions. Everyone needs to co-operate. Teasing us as ‘Bihari’ isn’t something we appreciate. All run in the race for money, and at least we follow a good path unlike many asking for bribes.” Added the other

Traffic Police Jammu showed concern over the incident and said that the fruits crushed on the roads could lead to accidents.

“The banana peels on the road are dangerous for any person. Mostly 2 wheelers pass through this road and could slip over it.” They said


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