Omar reviews party activities in Kupwara district


SRINAGAR: National Conference (NC) vice president Omar Abdullah reviewed party activities in various constituencies of district Kupwara, during a meeting held at Party Headquarters Nawa-e-Subha, Srinagar.

The meeting was attended by party’s segment in-charges of North Kashmir’s Kupwara district, besides party general secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar, provincial president Nasir Aslam Wani, North Zone president and MP Baramulla Muhammad Akbar Lone, senior leaders Choudhary Muhammad Ramzan, Mir Saifullah district president Kupwara Qaisar Jamsheed Lone, YNC provincial president (K) Salman Ali Sagar and Shafqat Watali. The focus of the interaction was on taking all necessary steps to strengthen the party in Kupwara district. During the course of meeting the prevailing political situation, COVID-19 induced economic crises and predicaments suffered by people also dominated the discussion.

The functionaries gave their estimation of the situation prevailing in their respective segments. The party leaders acquainted Omar about the ongoing party activities in their respective constituencies. They discussed a series of issues concerning the people in the district in particular and J&K in general. Interacting with the functionaries, Omar said the luminous role played by the party has reflected the radiance of natural justice, equity, equality and social justice and will continue with the active involvement of its dedicated party cadre. Extolling the grassroots level activism and campaign of party cadre and functionaries, Omar said the role of the party workers in shaping the socio-political and economic landscape of Jammu and Kashmir has been immense. He said topical exercises won’t yield any anticipated results if the party’s workers are not strengthened and listened to and given a stake in decision making. He said giving the workers, delegates and functionaries added stake in the decision making will ensure that the party policy will reach every doorstep.

He stated that the ideas of party workers are a leading source of ground level information and thus, is inevitable for taking quality decisions for the greater good of the party and the people.


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