Indian Army Recruitment 2021: Important Update for aspirants


Indian Army has cancelled the common entrance exam scheduled on June 27 for selection of soldier general duty, soldier technical, soldier tradesman class 10th and 8th, soldier (NA/ vet) and soldier clerks.

“Conduct of common entrance exam (cee) 27 June 2021 for sol general duty, sol (tech), sol tradesman 10th and 8th, sol (na/vet) and sol (clk/skt) has been cancelled due to covid-19 situation. Fresh dates will be intimated later,” the Indian Army has said.

The Indian Army had postponed exams in April and May in view of the COVID-19 situation in the country.
The entrance exam scheduled on April 25 in Jaipur and Jodhpur was postponed. Candidates have been selected for this exam based on their performance in the recruitment rally which was held from March 8 to 31 for candidates of Jaipur, Sikar and Tonk districts.

The exam in Jammu and Kashmir’s Samba district for candidates who successfully cleared a recently held recruitment rally was also scheduled on April 25 and was postponed.

The exam for Northeast, scheduled on April 25, was also postponed.
The exam scheduled on May 30 was also cancelled.
Fresh dates for these exams will be announced later, the Indian Army has said.
The common entrance exams are held after the recruitment rallies. First, the army invites applications for the rally and candidates who qualify in the rally and are found medically fit are issued admit cards for the common entrance exam.


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