Dead Body of Missing Youth Found After 40 Days, Family Claims Murder


Forty days back, three youngsters of the Kangan area got engaged in an encounter with a bear. Out of three, two youngsters were able to be rescued from the site, while one youngster went missing. Last night the dead body of the disappeared youngster was recovered by a few locals and a police party. The case is getting suspicious as, on the one hand, locals are saying that the bear killed the youngster; on the other hand, the family members of the youngster claim that their son has been murdered.

As per our sources, the three youngsters went fishing, but only two returned. According to the two youngsters, the bear took their friend along with it. For the past 40 days, a search operation was underway, and yesterday, a family member, during his search, reached Domial there, he saw the dead body of the youngster, and he informed his family. Along with a few locals, the family members arrived at the area and recovered the dead body. It took 7 hours to recover the body of the deceased. A police party from Ganderbal consisting of three SHOs also reached the spot. The dead body has been lept at TAMA Hospital, and after the postmortem, it will be handed over to the family.


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