Surplus supply of oxygen available in J&K: officials


As the COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to rise unabated in Jammu and Kashmir, the administration on Wednesday asserted that surplus supply of oxygen was available in the Union Territory as of now.

”The present consumption of oxygen in the UT of J&K is approximately 25000 Cubic metres daily as of Wednesday,” an official said.

He said the present generation capacity of oxygen in the UT is 54,500 cubic metres — including 24,500 cubic metres in hospitals and 30,000 cubic metres in industries – daily.
”The UT of J&K has ample supply of oxygen,” he said, adding the UT of J&K also has substantial number of filled oxygen cylinders.

The COVID-19 cases have risen unabated in Kashmir valley, particularly the summer capital, Srinagar, which has recorded the major chunk of positive cases during the last about a fortnight. Srinagar alone, out of 3164 new COVID-19 cases, reported 1144 cases.

As many as 3164 new positive cases of novel Corona virus, including 656 from Jammu division and 1457 from Kashmir division, were reported on Tuesday. Twenty five people, including 10 from Kashmir and 15 from Jammu, lost their lives to the virus on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, announcing successful trial run of new oxygen plant at SMHS hospital on Wednesday, Deputy Commissioner (DC), Srinagar Aijaz Asad said from today 1000 LMP oxygen production would be added to the existing system at the hospital. ”Trial run of new Oxygen Plant at SMHS hospital conducted successfully. From today we are adding 1000 lpm Oxygen production to the existing system at SMHS. Appreciate Team Mech Engg Deptt who worked in double shifts & have made the plant operational in 96 hours,


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