Director Agriculture Kashmir reviews Physical, Financial achievements under CSS, Capex at Bla


BARAMULLA: The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal today convened a meeting of concerned officers here, to review physical and financial achievements of Centrally Sponsored Schemes and Capex budget.

Speaking on the occasion, the Director stressed upon the officers of the department to work in a mission mode for achieving cent percent target both physical and financial under Capex and Centrally Sponsored schemes within the stipulated time. He directed them to ensure that the budgetary allocations to their respective sub-divisions under different schemes and projects are utilized judiciously. The Director impressed upon the officers to play a proactive role in the execution of different schemes and programmes and further directed them to establish monitoring and vigilance committees at village level to monitor and verify the proceedings and progress on the ground level, so that accountability and transparency is maintained in the implementation of different schemes. He reiterated the officers for maintaining documentation besides pre and post-photographic evidence of each activity conducted by the department.

Chowdhary said the need of the hour is to identify and explore Agri-based sectors to harness the impact in terms of economy and employment. Regarding Apiculture and Mushroom sectors, the Director emphasized on the fact that Baramulla district has a lot of potential for development of these two sectors and stressed upon the concerned officers to take the farmers involved with these schemes on board to take these two sectors to new heights. He said that the department will provide special funds for creating mushroom villages.

Joint Director Apiculture and Mushroom, Farooq Ahmad Shah, Joint Director Agriculture Extension, Mohammad Muzaffer Hurra, Joint Director Amir ud din Andrabi, Chief Agriculture Officer Baramulla, and other district and sub divisional officers besides others concerned attended the meeting.


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