Taurus Weekly Horoscope


24-01-2021 – 30-01-2021

Overall, this week is going to be positive for you. You may have a get-together with your in-laws. Proper communication will be important for you in your marital relationship. The transit of planets shows that you may incur financial expenses in the initial days but in the last days of this week you may make financial gains. It’s not a favourable time to take a loan during this period. You will do hard work and indulge in unplanned travelling vis-a-vis your profession this week. There may happen some unplanned expenses in your business. Language courses will give you success. Language research work may also give you new heights. Besides, you may get inclined to take up fashion courses this week. You should try to come into contact with nature rather than sitting ideally inside your office or at home. This will lessen your stress and also reduce your anger. It can boost your physiological and physical health.


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