Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


24-01-2021 – 30-01-2021

Your appropriate assessment of any situation will put you far ahead of those who deal with you in day-to-day life. This is your strength and many of you will use this strength during this week wisely. Thus, you will preempt all the problems that can disrupt your relationship. Your critical and argumentative approach towards your subordinates will make them negative even towards the wise and intelligent decisions you take. Therefore, you should be careful in your approach. Do not let your decision go wrong in any manner. Also, for financial growth, the week will be average. Expenses and income will see a perfect match. Which means you will earn well and even save well. The only area of concern is your health. You may contract fatigue-related problems which can be burdensome. You are advised to be regular in your diet and exercise. As for children, your interest to learn will be very high.


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