Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


27-12-2020 – 02-01-2021

On the financial front, you might find new avenues to increase your income, thus adding more strength to your financial position. You might be inclined to donate to charitable causes. You may be adept at handling large sums of money and might be able to save well for future needs. Businessmen might want to explore territory to push sales. Short term travel for this might yield good results. Businessmen might be able to reach their goals by pushing ahead sales. Salaried people might find methods to perform better and increase their output. Their superiors may be happy with their commitment. On the health front, middle-aged people might experience joint pains. They may have to avoid painkillers and instead rely on external measures to relieve pain. They may also develop nagging health issues. A good exercise regime is essential for a healthy mind and body.


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