Aquarius Horoscope


02-12-2020 – 08-12-2020

On the relationship front, singles might differ with their loved ones on the topic of future planning. Singles might do well to avoid pushing their point of view. They need to understand the viewpoint of their loved ones. Some relationship issues or the other might keep bothering you. You might need to bear with this situation for now. On the finance front, you may need to handle money with care, exercising due discrimination when you spend it. Try not taking risks for monetary gain. Businessmen may be busy organizing things and may adopt a methodical approach to make progress. They may strike a big-ticket deal midweek. Salaried individuals may need to exert more to show progress. They may remain stressed. On the health front, watch out for recurring old ailments. If you feel any discomfort, visit a doctor. Try to work out in order to maintain good health.


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