24×7 COVID-19 Helplines receive more than 500 Calls in last two days Also 5156 outgoing calls made to COVID positive cases in Home Isolation.


In order to instill confidence and alley the fear among general public particularly the home isolated positive patients of district Jammu, Department of Health and Medical Education J&K has established a 10 seater dedicated Call Centre on 22nd September 2020 for active calling with the availability of doctors for medical tele-consultation which functions from 8 AM to 8 PM daily. This endeavour has started to counsel and give psychological support to the home isolated patients so that any health related issues can be discussed with experts. More than 5156 people have availed services through COVID-19 tele-consultation helplines in last two days. Around 500 incoming calls were received in the control room of which 98 were symptomatic people & rest were asymptomatic cases. In addition calls were made to more than 5156 COVID positive patients who are in home isolation so as to counsel them regarding various Do’s & Don’s in home isolation and precautions to be taken in case of development of any high risk symptom. It is pertinent to mention here that for the medical assistance for COVID-19 positive patients who are presently under home isolation the government has dedicated telephone lines for such cases if they develop symptoms like, Difficulty in Breathing, Dip in oxygen saturation (< 90 %), Persistent pain/ pressure in the chest, Slurred Speech/ seizures, Weakness or numbness in any limb or face, Bluish discoloration of lips/ face. The service is aimed to reduce the number of fatalities caused due to COVID-19 by providing timely emergency medical response to the people. The people can directly call on toll free no. 108 from anywhere at any time and receive 24X7 assistance or they can also contact COVID Control rooms established at Jammu Division- 0191-2549676 / 2520982/ 2674444/ 2674115 / 2674908 and Kashmir Division- 0194-2440283/ 2430581/ 2452052/ 2457313/ 2457312/ 2452052 in this regard.


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