Makers of actor John Abraham’s patriotic drama ‘Satyameva Jayate 2’ on Monday announced that the film is all set to release on May 12, 2021, around Eid. Produced by T-Series and Emmay Entertainment, the second installment of the superhit patriotic drama will see Abraham taking down corruption in Lucknow. After tasting commercial success with their 2018 release, John, director Milap and the producers decided to take ahead the franchise with Divya Khosla Kumar playing the lead opposite John this time. While the first film dealt with corruption, the sequel tackles corruption in all spheres from the police to politicians, industrialists, and the common man. “The action of this film is gonna be ten times more dynamic, heroic, and powerful. John is going to smash, rip, and annihilate the corrupt like he never has before on the silver screen and Divya is going to wow audiences with her power-packed scenes, dramatic prowess, grace, and beauty,” Zaveri said. “Satyameva Jayate 2 like part one is a film of the masses and is also a celebration of action, music, dialoguebaazi, patriotism, and heroism,” Zaveri added. ‘Satyameva Jayate 2’ is bankrolled by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar (T-Series), Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, Nikkhil Advani (Emmay Entertainment).