In yet another attack on Shiv Sena, actor Kangana Ranaut on Thursday accused the party of compromising its ideology and transformed into ‘Sonia Sena’. Taking to Twitter, the Queen actor wrote, “The ideology on which Shri Bala Saheb Thackeray had built Shiv Sena, today they have sold that ideology for power and have become Sonia Sena from Shiv Sena. Don’t call the goons who broke my house in my absence a civic body. Don’t insult the Constitution in this manner.” She wrote this in reply to an article about the proceedings of Bombay High Court during the hearing of the stay order plea by the actor’s lawyer against the demolition drive of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) at her property. On September 9, the Bombay High Court had stayed the demolition drive being undertaken by the BMC at Kangana’s property. A bench of the High Court also asked the BMC to file a reply to her petition in the matter. Ranaut, through her lawyer Rizwan Siddiqui, had moved the High Court against the demolition of what the BMC termed as “illegal alterations” at her office.