The Shiv Sena on Tuesday said it has appointed its Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Raut as the chief spokesperson of the party. Raut, who is also the executive editor of Shiv Sena mouthpiece ”Saamana”, has been engaged in a war of words with actor Kangana Ranaut after she likened Mumbai to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK). The Shiv Sena in a statement on Tuesday said Raut has been appointed as the party”s chief spokesperson. Besides, Lok Sabha members Arvind Sawant and Dhairyasheel Mane, Rajya Sabha member Priyanka Chaturvedi, Maharashtra ministers Uday Samant, Anil Parab, Gulabrao Patil, MLAs Sunil Prabhu and Pratap Sarnaik, Mumbai Mayor Kishori Pednekar and senior leader Neelam Gorhe have been nominated as the party’s spokespersons, it said.