Terming India as the best destination for foreign investment with high returns, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has urged European investors to invest in India. He also said that the government is promoting clean fuel and working towards running long-distance buses and trucks on LNG. Apart from LNG, the government’s focus is to take ethanol economy from the present 20,000 crore rupees to 1 lakh crore rupees, Road Transport, Highways and MSME Minister Gadkari said while addressing the members from European Economic Group on ‘Sustainable Transport and MSMEs’ through video conference. The Minister said plans are afoot also to develop industrial clusters, including leather, plastic, chemical, furniture and others, along with the one lakh crore rupees Delhi-Mumbai Expressway on the pattern of clusters in China, and it is opportune time for investors particularly from Europe to invest in India to get high and safe returns under the present circumstances when the world is battling COVID-19. He also said apart from being one of the fastest growing economies, India is making things digital for transparency and urged investors to invest in infrastructure, MSMEs, banks, NBFCs and other areas.