Tightening its noose against bovine smugglers in Kathua, a team of Police Station, Lakhanpur rescued 13 bovine animals which were loaded in a truck mercilessly. A police spokesman said a team of Police Station, Lakhanpur headed by Inspector, Sanjeev Chib, SHO Lakhanpur during Naka and vehicle checking at NHW by-pass road Lakhanpur intercepted a truck bearing registration Number PB05S-9343 coming from Punjab towards Srinagar. During checking of the vehicle13 bovines were found laden inside the vehicle, which were being transported illegally without any permission. All the bovines were rescued and shifted to safer place. The accused found involved in the commission of crime namely Sukhvinder Singh, S/o Jagir Singh of Nawa Pind Tehsil, Jandiala district Amritsar Punjab was arrested by police on spot. The vehicle used for transporting the bovines was also seized. In this regard, a case FIR No. 66/2020 U/S 188 IPC, 11 PCA Act has been registered at PS Lakhanpur and investigation initiated. In another bovine smuggling act a canter bearing Registration Number UP21BN-8883 on way from Dayalachak towards Ramkot during checking at Ramkot was found loaded with 23 bovine animals. The driver of the vehicle was arrested on the spot and FIR was registered at Ramkot Police Post. The Canter was seized and all the bovines were rescued by the police.