Union minister Dr. Jitendra Singh and BJP national general secretary Ram Madhav have put themselves under self-quarantine as a precautionary measure after BJP’s J&K unit President Ravinder Raina tested positive for COVID-19. Ram Madhav and Dr. Jitendra Singh had travelled with Ravinder Raina recently in Kashmir. In a tweet, Dr. Jitendra Singh said, “Have gone into self-quarantine with immediate effect from 4 PM today, after receiving the news about Corona positive test of J&K BJP President Ravinder Raina who had accompanied us from Srinagar to Bandipora on July 12 (sic).” In his tweet, Ram Madav said though he has tested negative for Covid-19 five times in the last two weeks, he is still putting himself under self-quarantine for precaution. “Am quarantining myself for a few days since my colleague and BJP J&K president Ravinder Raina tested positve for coronavirus today and I was with him 48 hrs ago in Srinagar. I tested negative for Covid-19 five times in last two weeks. Yet taking precautions to ensure safety of me and others,” Ram Madhav said in a tweet. Am quarantining myself for a few days since my colleague n BJP J&K President Ravinder Raina tested +ve for Corona today n I was with him 48 hrs ago in Srinagar. I tested -ve for Corona 5 times in last two weeks. Yet taking precautions to ensure safety of me n others. J&K BJP president Ravinder Raina tested positive for Covid-19 today. Raina said he had mild fever but no other symptom, and he decided to get tested for Covid-19.