Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), Jammu and Kashmir has appealed the Sikh community people to send religious, virtuous and clean image people to the SGPC elections and support Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa who has recently taken over as president of Akali Dal replacing Sukhbir Singh Badal. Talking to media persons here, Darbinder Singh president SAD, J&K said that Dhindsa has taken over the command by replacing Badal family as they only promoted corruption, favouritism and nepotism in the party. He said that Dhindsa has already asked the J&K SAD leaders to encourage religious and clean image people for the elections to the SGPC Amritsar. There is urgent need to curtail the interference of the badal family in the religious affairs of the community, he added. While lending full support to the Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa, Akali Dal J&K leader appealed to the Sikh community to strengthen Dhindsa for his war against corruption and justice for all. They further appealed to the Lt Governor, J&K GC Murmu to hold elections of all District Gurdwara Parbandhak Committees in J&K as their term of five years has been expired. They also demanded audit of the expenses by the DGPC Jammu during this period. SAD also demanded induction of a Sikh member in the J&K Public Service Commission. Senior leaders Rajinder Singh, Charanjeet Singh Kuldip Kour and Gurmeet Kour also accompanied.