JPDCL carries out drive against illegal hookings


Following the directions of Yasha Mudgal, MD JPDCL and Gurmeet Singh, Chief Engineer, JPDCL, the Sub-Divion staff of Gangyal carried out a disconnection drive against illegal connections at Bhour in Jammu. The drive was carried out to save the 400 KVA transformer which was overloaded to illegal hooking by people of the area. The 400 KVA was damaged thrice in the last 15 days and taking serious notice of the discrepancy, the department carried out a massive drive against illegal hooking and found most of the people in the area had no legal connection. During the drive, the general masses were made aware regarding the Amnesty Scheme under which the Government has decided to waive off penalties and interest levied to the consumer until December 2019. They were also told that usually the transformer gets overloaded during the peak summer season due to illegal hookings which leads to damage of transformers and public inconvenience. Also, penalties were imposed on erring consumers and illegal service wires were also confiscated. The disconnections were done under the supervision of P D Singh, Executive Engineer, Division-II, Gandhi Nagar JPDCL. Those who were part of the team, included Nitin Mahajan, AEE Sub-Division Gangyal; Rajesh Sharma, AE; Parvinder Kaur, Vijay Sharma Junior Engineer and Rasik Bhagat Junior Engineer. The team was accompanied by a Police party led by Sub-Inspector Gurvinder Singh.


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