The intelligence unit of Rajasthan Police on Monday arrested two men working at army establishments for allegedly spying for Pakistan, a senior official said. The two suspects were allegedly sharing classified information about the Indian Army to Pakistan’s intelligence agency through social media, the official said. Chimanlal Nayak, who works on contract in Mahajan field firing range in Bikaner, and Vikas Tilotia, a tradesman in a field ammunition depot in Ganganagar, were brought to Jaipur and interrogated at the Central Interrogation Centre. Tilotia, a resident of Jhunjhunu, and some of his relatives had received the money in their bank accounts in exchange for the classified information shared with Pakistan’s intelligence agency, said ADG, Intelligence, Umesh Mishra. He said one of Tilotia’s relatives is also being interrogated. Both the suspects used mobile phones to pass on classified and strategic information related to the Army’s activities to Pakistan, Mishra said. Primary information about the suspects was provided to the state intelligence by the military intelligence from Lucknow and they were nabbed in a joint operation, he said. The two suspects, arrested under the Official Secrets Act, are being interrogated by intelligence agencies, Mishra said.