Former mer MLC Vikram Randhawa Monday visited Vishal Colony of Babliana area in Gandhi Nagar constituency and took stock of the problems being faced by the inhabitants. During the visit, the locals informed him that they were facing hardships due to absence of basic amenities such as irregular power supply, potable water supply and absence of all weather road connectivity. Randhawa gave the patient hearing to the demands of the locals and assured them that all their demands would be fulfilled in phased manner. He directed the officials of PHE, PDD, RDD and PWD to prepare a detailed project report for various works, highlighted by the locals. He assured the people that he would personally take up the matter with the respective departments for early redressal, so that, the people may get a sigh of relief. Randhawa said that the pace of development has been affected due to COVID-19 pandemic but now slowly and steadily the developmental works are being executed and sooner their colony will also get all the facilities. Others who accompanied former MLC included Bharat Bhushan, Parshotam Lal, Vikas, Vijay, Sumit Sharma, Subash Choudhary, Surjeet Singh and Sanju.