BJP J&K president, Ravinder Raina has announced that the party will organize digital rallies in all the districts and blocks in Jammu & Kashmir in connection with the completion of successful one year of Modi Government. Accompanied by J&K BJP general secretaries, Sunil Sharma, Vibodh Gupta and Dr. D K Manyal and Library Incharge, Kulbhushan Mohtra, Raina at a press conference here, said that the Modi Government has completed successful 1 year of 2nd term and congratulated every BJP worker as well as the voters and supporters for the same. This year has become an excellent working example for everyone, in which Modi Ji has done extraordinary work for every segment of the society, Raina claimed. Raina, said that due to the untiring efforts of Modi Ji, India has gained very strong position on the global platform where everyone looks with respect for India. Raina announced that on the completion of one year of 2nd term of Modi Government, BJP has decided to organize various digital programmes to connect with the ground level workers and common masses in J&K, where the party will take the achievements of the Government to every house. He said that J&K BJP will approach five lakh houses with the achievement pamphlets and PM’s letter to the citizens. He said that BJP will hold three digital rallies, with first one on 14 June in Jammu-Poonch Parliamentary Constituency covering 20 Assembly constituencies, 2nd one on 21 June in Udhampur-Doda having 17 Assembly constituencies and 3rd one on 28 June in Kashmir region. Press Conferences will be conducted on 27 centres in whole of J&K by BJP, he added. Raina said that various landmark schemes for the public welfare has been launched by the Modi Government like Atamnirbhar Bharat, 20,000 Crore package by PM for MSME, entrepreneurs etc. which have benefitted common masses in this difficult hour. Modi Government has ensured the welfare of 130 crore Indians. He has united whole India form Kashmir to Kanyakumari, Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh with a slogan Ek Bharat Shreshta Bharat, Ek Bharat Sashakt Bharat, he added.