Twenty-sixmore people tested positive for COVID-19 in Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday, bringing the number of cases to 862 in the union territory in Jammu and Kashmir, officials said. The fresh cases include a nurse and three contacts of a doctor who had earlier tested positive for novel coronavirus, the officials said. While 23 new cases are from the Kashmir Valley, three are from Jammu region, they said. Three members of a family in Billawar tehsil of Kathua district including a 28-year-old woman, her six years old daughter and three-month male baby, tested positive for COVID-19. They had travel history of New Delhi and had been sampled couple of days back. Their further contact tracing was launched tonight and the Health authorities were in the process of shifting them to dedicated COVID hospital at Gandhi Nagar. The trio was asymptomatic, doctors said. Another worker hailing from village Phinter in Billawar tehsil of Kathua district, who had recently returned from Sadar Bazaar, New Delhi and was under administrative quarantine, also tested positive for Coronavirus today. He had travelled in a truck from New Delhi to Lakhanpur on April 29 and then Billawar, where he was quarantined administratively along with 10 other persons. A woman from New Plot, Jammu, who was suffering from renal failure and was admitted in the Intensive Care Unit in the Government Medical College (GMC) Jammu, tested positive for COVID-19 today. She was immediately shifted to Government Gandhi Nagar Hospital, a dedicated COVID hospital for further treatment with dialysis facilities. GMC Jammu Medical Superintendent Dr Dara Singh said the woman was admitted as a case of renal failure and was kept in ICU’s ‘Suspect Area’. Her contact tracing is on to ascertain source of getting infected, he added. A 40-year old teacher, who was neighbour of a family of Gurha, Bakshi Nagar in Jammu whose three members were infected with Coronavirus, also tested positive for COVID-19. His sample had been taken as contact of the neighbours. The woman, her husband and son besides their truck driver had been reported positive as her husband had travel history to New Delhi. The Gurha teacher and Phinter (Billawar) worker have been shifted to Chest Diseases Hospital, Bakshi Nagar Jammu. Both of them were asymptomatic, CD Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr Rajeshwar Sharma said. Contact tracing of all three cases tested positive is on and they are being isolated before sample testing. Police teams have contained New Plot area where the COVID-19 positive woman was residing while Gurha has already been declared Containment Zone after three members of a family were tested positive there. With today’s six cases, number of total Corona cases in Jammu region has gone up to 75. Of them, 55 Corona patients have been successfully treated and discharged while there has been one death. Jammu region now has 19 active Corona cases.