Police on Saturday claimed to have arrested over ground worker of militant outfit with cash and six sim cards. “We have arrested an OGW, a resident of Handwara from RS Pura along with Rs 20000 cash and six sim cards,” a senior police officer said. The official claimed the Handwara man had come to RS Pura to deliver the Sim cards and cash to militants in central jail. Accordingly, officials said, a raid was conducted at the central jail, during which several mobile phones were recovered. Meanwhile, Police in a statement named the accused as Muzaffer Beigh of Vodhpora Handwara who was arrested from Chakroi by a special team led by SDPO RS Pura along with SHO RS Pura. A case FIR no 63/2020 US 13,17,39 UAPA and 121-A IPC was registered at PS RS Pura and investigation taken up.