Virgo Weekly Horoscope


Survey your space, Virgo! Where’s the best spot for that home fitness studio? Moving your body is going to be more important than ever starting this Monday, March 30, when restless Mars starts pacing through Aquarius and your sixth house of wellness, work and service. This energizing cycle is all about self-care—especially when it comes to your physical body. As your analytical sign probably knows by now, your thoughts impact your well-being. Fear and anxiety can ratchet up stress and lower immunity. But here’s the deal: Mars is immediate. Active. Instinctual. While, yes, you CAN spend time dissecting your emotions in your journal, what will serve you far more for the coming six weeks is to get your body in motion. That stuck current will start to flow, helping you process all the “what if’s” and WTFs swirling around in that active mind of yours. Better still? Once you get the kinetic energy flowing, you could undam a flood of creativity. With people needing to stay hopeful and entertained more than ever, you may be inspired to create content and videos that keep them uplifted through hard times. With courageous Mars buoying your courage, turn on the webcam and see what unfolds.
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On Tuesday, a call to service could be too loud to ignore as driven Mars catches up to weighty Saturn in Aquarius—their first meeting here since 1994. Someone at work or in your inner circle may need support that only you can provide. This cosmic combo will also be a kick in the pants to organize some messier areas of your life. Unleash the Marie Kondo within, whether that applies to your overstuffed closet or your unruly inbox. You might just unearth a forgotten gem there, from a glamorous pair of “daytime PJs” to a message from a business contact who’d be great to work with now.

On Friday, April 3, Venus makes her annual move into Gemini and your tenth house of career. This year, she’ll hover there until August 7—four times the usual amount of time due to a retrograde from May 13 to June 25. Given the fluctuating state of the economy (to put it mildly), hosting Venus here is more than a gift, Virgo. This transit imbues you with compassion, creativity and an ability to take a long view and see what’s needed for all. So go ahead and set your sights on a lofty goal. But don’t just go into doer mode. This Venus phase is meant for building long-term relationships, from the (virtual) boardroom to the bedroom. If you’re going to do business with anyone, take time to discover their work style and make sure that your values and visions align. Strategic alliances should sing with sweet synergy on a soul level, not just a spreadsheet. Same holds true for love. It’s okay to want that “more,” Virgo! You can have the most amazing late-night conversations about all the things you and your prospective S.O. want to accomplish in life—and all the ways you’ll support each other through these tough times. But with Venus in this goal-oriented position, actions speak louder than words. If you can’t lean on them, even as your emotional support, stop trying to get blood from a stone. In a relationship? Fair-minded Venus helps you find ways to balance the load. Your roles may fluctuate wildly during this time so don’t try to divide everything 50/50. You may both have to be breadwinners, homeschoolers and everything in between over the coming days.

Saturday, April 4, marks the first of three momentous Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions in 2020. On June 30 and again on November 12, this odd-couple mashup will join forces in Capricorn and your fifth house of fame, love and creative expression. Finding love in a “hopeless” place is more than just a Rihanna song for Virgos this year. As Jupiter shines its high beams into Pluto’s hidden vault, you could connect with an unexpected romantic interest, creative collaborator or partner for a business venture. It’s equally possible that this person has been there all along, but suddenly you see them in a new light. Surprise, surprise, Virgo.


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