Gemini Weekly Horoscope


Challenge of the moment: How to sate your wanderlust while being confined to one place? This Monday, March 30, restless Mars cruises into Aquarius and your global ninth house, charging you up for adventure. Normally, you’d be packing your bags and boarding a flight when the red planet visits this zone every other year, but this is 2020 and these are not normal times. Between now and May 12, you’ll have to get your fix in the metaphoric sense—and yes, you absolutely can. Immerse yourself in multicultural experiences: How about joining an online group with global participation? Always wanted to learn Spanish or Japanese? You might actually have TIME to go through that virtual training. Of course, for some Gems, this six-week cycle can play out to the tune of “have RV, will travel.” Even if you can’t go far, parking your wheeled home in a new destination might be the way to get your fix of fresh terrain. The ninth house rules higher ed, so any kind of learning will get you fired up. Turn your living room into a dance studio and practice some moves or polish up your public speaking skills in an online Toastmasters’ group. Since you’re as cerebral as you are tactile, you might be surprised at how easily intimacy can translate through a webcam—and with Mars being the planet of lust, take that any way you like, Gem. Entrepreneurial Twins will feel some serious wind in your sails, despite the current state of the economy. Your innate fluidity makes you adaptable to changing times and circumstances. If anyone can find the needle of opportunity in this befuddling haystack, it’s you. Writing, publishing, mediamaking or teaching could be part of that game plan.

Watch how much truth serum you dole out on Tuesday! When uninhibited Mars mashes up with restrained Saturn in Aquarius and your candid ninth house, you may struggle to censor yourself. Honesty is the best policy, but too much of the very medicine that can help a situation might have a paradoxical effect, costing you a friend or supporter. Is there a way to communicate using yourself as an example, or by turning a negative into a positive? For instance, instead of berating someone for “dropping the ball,” suggest she try doing X, Y and Z. If you truly can’t sit with something you’ve observed, talk to someone who might be able to do something constructive about the situation.

Social distancing is real, but your spring love forecast may still go from drizzle to sizzle this Friday, April 3 as heartthrob Venus checks in to Hotel Gemini until August 7—an extra-long phase due to an upcoming retrograde from May 13 to June 25. If you’re in a relationship, the time that opens up for the two of you could be a silver lining of the global WTH circumstances. You’ll be full of ideas on how to make the most of your date nights in quarantine. Let your creativity out to play. Single Twins could have multiple threads going with interested (and interesting!) parties—all of whom are more-than-a-little eager to get to know YOU. Just make sure you don’t send the sexy nudes to the person you wanted to slowly woo with a love haiku. On that note, do you have a clear vision of love? This extended Venus cycle can help you define both your “desirables” and “dealbreakers.” Before the retrograde begins on May 13, you could finally get an ex out of your system and shore up your confidence to try, try again. While you’ll have sass and sex appeal in spades, you still might prefer the Single Ladies’ Dance, utilizing your Venus-blessed charm for your own “brand.” Shoot those videos, pose for the profile pics, channel your creativity into your next great work. Consider it a long-range investment in your personal expansion.

Saturday brings another sexy surge when bawdy Jupiter and uncouth Pluto unite in Capricorn and your eighth house of intimate connections—their first of three conjunctions in 2020. (The others are on June 30 and November 12.) As Jupiter shines a klieg light into Pluto’s secret vault, you could discover an attraction brewing in an unexpected place. Someone could reveal a hidden interest in you; or you may be caught off guard by the intensity of your own feelings. While you may choose to NOT act upon this right away, the waves could ripple throughout your year. Since the eighth house rules investments, keep your ears perked for potential places to funnel some cash during this “buy low” moment in the market.


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