NC MP Hasnain Masoodi writes to Amit Shah, seeks release of J&K detenues


“The detainees it needs to be realised, are detained without charge and trial on a mere suspicion, later found to be misplaced,” said the MP.
Senior Jammu and Kashmir National Conference leader and Member Parliament, Hasnain Masoodi on Monday wrote to Union Home Minister Amit Shah to seek release of detenues lodged under Public Safety Act (PSA) in various jails in J&K and outside. In his letter, Masoodi drew the attention of the Home Minister towards the “plight of hundreds of detainees under the Public Safety Act lodged in Ambedkar Nagar, Agra, Tihar and other jails outside Jammu and Kashmir”. “The detainees it needs to be realised, are detained without charge and trial on a mere suspicion, later found to be misplaced,” said the MP. Masoodi, who was a former chief justice of Jammu and Kashmir High Court, said there are numerous judicial pronouncements commanding the government to lodge the detenue in a jail nearest to home so that the relatives and friends visit him, and the detenue due to lack of social interaction, is not exposed to mental trauma.

“The lockdown and restrictions imposed on travel and traffic, to combat the Covind-19 crises, would make it impossible for the relatives to visit the detenue lodged a few hundred miles from his home,” said Masoodi, while requesting the Home Minister to direct revocation of detention orders against all the detainees lodged within and outside J&K. “…and pending such revocation request you to direct immediate shifting of all the detainees lodged outside J&K back to J&K forthwith.”


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