Seasoned actor Hema Malini on Monday urged everyone to follow the instructions issued by the government to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. The 71-year-old actor shared her concern over the COVID-19 pandemic with more than 100 cases having been tested positive in India. “COVID-19 has become a reality in India with more than 100 cases testing positive prevent the spread of the dreaded disease that has no vaccine & no cure as yet, we shd resolve to fully cooperate with the govt & strictly follow instructions in order to beat the disease,” she tweeted. Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif, Parineeti Chopra and others are putting their best efforts in spreading awareness about the novel coronavirus. In the wake of spurt in cases of coronavirus across the country, the Central Government on Saturday decided to treat the deadly virus as a “notified disaster”. As of Sunday, the total cases of coronavirus reported in India is 107, according to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.