Three-day course on “Cyber Crime” which commenced in S K Police Academy, Udhampur on March 11 culminated on Friday. In the course, 19 officers of J&K Police participated. The course was designed as a tool for capacity building of the investigating officers of J&K Police to tackle ever increasing menace of Cyber Crime in the virtual space. There was wide range of discussions, deliberations and demonstrations on the areas covering types and techniques of foot printing, Computer Forensics, modus operandi of Hacking, operating systems, Denial of service attacks, Basic Network Protocols, Crypto Currency, vulnerability of financial transactions. While focussing on the capacity building, the need for protecting our systems from external as well as internal attacks is inevitably important. In the course, eminent scholars and professionals from Central University Jammu, SMVD University Katra, Government College of Engineering & Technology Jammu and Cyber Experts from J&K Police delivered lectures. The course was coordinated by Ashish Rathore, CPO, SKPA Udhampur and Inspector Vivek Kalsotra under the guidance of Director Academy. In the valedictory address, SSP Mohan Lal, Assistant Director (Outdoor/ Indoor) SKPA Udhampur stressed for the need to update most modern techniques of handling and tracking cyber criminals.