The Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) on Tuesday carried out a massive reshuffle within the party and nominated eight Vice-Presidents for J&K. The J&K BJP President, Ravinder Raina in consultation with national President Jagat Prakash Nadda, National General Secretary (Organization) BL Santosh, state General Secretary (Organization) Ashok Koul and other senior leaders announced new office bearers, Morcha Presidents, working committee members and special invitees. Dr Narinder Singh, Sham Lal Sharma, Yuhvir Sethi, Shakti Singh Parihar, Pawan Khajuria, Anuradha Singh Charak, Sofi Yousuf and Aseem Gupta have been nominated as the Vice Presidents. Sunil Sharma, Vibodh Gupta and Devinder Kumar Manyal have been nominated as General Secretaries. Arvind Gupta, Vikas Choudhary, Veenu Khanna, Anju Dogra, Rekha Mahajan, Farida Khan, Gopal Mahajan and Baji Abdul Wahid have been nominated as Secretaries. Prabhat Singh has been nominated as Treasurers and Prem Gupta has been nominated as additional Treasurers. Sunil Sethi has been nominated as J&K Chief spokesperson while Altaf Thakur and several other members have been noiminated as J&K spokespersons. Suraj Singh and Pardeep Mahotra have been nominated as media Secretaries from Jammu and Manzoor Bhat has been nominated as Media Secretary from Kashmir. The BJP also nominated members to the working committee and National Council. The party has also nominated members to several other positions within the party.