The mother of the 2012 gangrape and murder victim, who came to be known as Nirbhaya, on Monday said the convicts in the case, who are on death row, are misleading the courts, but asserted that she trusts the justice system. Her comments came after one of the four convicts Pawan Kumar Gupta filed a mercy plea before the President. “These people are misleading the court. I have trust in the justice system of India and we still have strong believe on it that finally they will be hanged tomorrow,” she said to the reporters. On Monday, the Supreme Court dismissed the curative petition filed by Gupta in the case, following which his lawyer A P Singh said he filed the mercy plea before the President. Singh said the mercy plea was filed after getting information that the apex court had dismissed Gupta”s curative petition. Later in the day, a Delhi court dismissed the pleas of two of the four convicts in the gang rape and murder case that sought stay on the execution of their death warrants, scheduled for Tuesday morning.