Crime Branch on Wednesday booked a fraudster for duping complainant of Rs 19 lakh in a false land deal case. Crime Branch Jammu has registered a criminal case against accused Syed Farid Ahmad, son of Syed Ghulam-Ud-Din, resident of Verinag Kashmir at present staying at Sidhra Jammu for duping the complainant of Rs 19 lakh on pretext of selling a piece of 2 Kanals land at Kot Bhalwal, Jammu under Khasra No 3015, pretending as the owner, despite fact that he was not the owner of the aforesaid land. The accused convinced the complainant that he was the absolute owner of the land. The instant case owes its origin to a complaint lodged by Rifat Jabeen, wife of Mohammad Farooq, resident of Panjtirthi, Jammu at present Sidhra, Jammu in Crime Branch Jammu wherein the complainant alleged that accused convinced her that he was the absolute owner of land in question and executed a sale document in the name of her daughter for an amount of Rs 19 lakh. However, after receipt of payment, the accused did not give her physical possession of the land and adopted dilly dallying tactics. On receipt of complaint, a preliminary verification was initiated by the Crime Branch Jammu and during the course of enquiry, the allegations against the accused were prima facie established, thus leading to registration of a formal criminal case under relevant sections of law. The investigation of the case is underway for in-depth probe.