Employees protest for revocation of SRO-202


The employees recruited under SRO 202 took out a strong protest march, here on Sunday, demanding immediate revocation of SRO 202. The protest march was organized under the banner of All SRO-202 Employees Union Kargil and the participating protestors raised slogans terming SRO 202 against youths and Labour Laws. While talking to media, President of the Association informed that they have submitted a memorandum of their grievances to Lt Governor Union Territory of Ladakh, MP Ladakh, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal and administration of UT Ladakh. “The memorandum explains that those appointed Under this act are only getting minimum of pay scale and are without the fixation of pay which is entitled only after completion of five year of probation period, which clearly violates the Minimum Wage Act (SRO 460 dated 26-19-2017) and also violates the law of equality for equal work,” the president said and added that on completion of 5 years, the appointee would be made permanent subject to his performance but such appointees shall not be eligible for transfer. Alleging that the entire policy of SRO-202 is an anti-youth policy which clearly neglects the provisions of equal opportunity, entitlements, incentives, flexibility of probation, the protesters appealed the Administration of Union Territory of Ladakh to abolish SRO 202 completely and extend them benefits of all allowances that are available to general employees of Union Territory of Ladakh.


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