Airports Authority of India participated as a Government partner at the 11th GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) Summit 2019 in New Delhi with the theme ‘Approach to Integrated Sustainability’ wherein the Terminal Building at the Jammu Airport has been awarded with Four Star GRIHA Rating. The award was received by Anuj Aggarwal, Member at New Delhi (HR). Airport Director, Dr. P.R Beuria stated that it is a proud occasion for Jammu Airport. He also congratulated the AAI team of engineers along with M/s Kapahi Construction Company of Jammu. A handout stated that the present terminal building has many salient features like reduced annual energy consumption compared to GRIHA benchmark by the use of energy efficient electrical and mechanical equipment and many more. It also stated that this is the first airport in India to achieve four-star rating in the existing building category of GRIHA.