Senior BJP leader Uma Bharti on Friday hailed the Telangana police after personnel of the force killed the four accused in Telangana rape-murder case in an encounter. “This is the biggest incident in the 19th year of this century that will guarantee women’s safety,” Uma Bharti tweeted in Hindi. She said that all the police officers and policemen who executed this encounter deserve greetings. The BJP leader said, “Grief of the family whose daughter went away from the world after suffering mercilessness will never be alleviated, but that sister’s (rape victim) soul will get peace and the fear among other girls of India will be lessened. Jai Telangana Police.” She said that she can now believe governments of other states will find ways to teach criminals an immediate lesson. All four accused in the rape and murder of the veterinarian in Telangana were killed in an encounter with the police when the accused tried to escape while being taken to the crime spot, police said on Friday morning. Senior police officials have arrived at the site of the encounter. The doctor was brutally gang-raped and killed by four persons before they burnt her body in Shamshabad area on November 27. The four accused were in judicial custody at Cherlapally Central Jail in Hyderabad.