Nimrita Kumari, the final-year student of Bibi Asifa Dental College in Larkana district of Sindh who was found dead by her friends in her hostel room, was sexually abused before being murdered, her postmortem revealed. The report issued by Chandka Medical College Hospital (CMCH) Woman Medico-Legal Officer, on Wednesday, said that Nimrita’s death was determined to be caused by suffocation as asphyxial signs caused by a ligature on the neck that was detected during the autopsy, The News International reported. The ligature marks also tally with the information. Such signs are produced either in strangulation or hanging and are to be ascertained through circumstantial evidence as corroborative at the crime scene by state investigation authorities,” the report said. A DNA test confirmed the presence of male DNA profile indicated from semen residue on the deceased’s clothes whereas a vaginal swab tested positive for a forced sexual act. Kumari was found dead in mysterious circumstances in her hostel room on September 16. Whereas, Larkana Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University’s (SMBBMU) Vice-Chancellor (VC) Dr Aneela Atta Ur Rahman, prior to police investigations, had claimed that the 25-year-old medical student had committed suicide. The Sindh government following massive province-wide protests had ordered a judicial enquiry into the matter. Meanwhile, the murder probe which is being supervised by the Larkana District and Sessions Judge on the directives of Sindh High Court (SHC) is still underway. Nimrita’s case highlights another deplorable condition of minorities in Pakistan. Every year, around 1,000 young Sindhi Hindu girls between the age of 12 and 28 are abducted, forcibly married and converted to Islam, US-based Sindhi Foundation has said.