Gangyal and Jhajjar Kotli police foiled bovines smuggling bids by rescuing 45 cattle and arresting three persons. As per police sources, on specific information, a team from Police Station Gangyal led by SHO Inspector Sunil Singh Jasrotia laid a naka near Kunjwani and intercepted a truck bearing registration number NL01AD-7351. During checking, police team rescued 15 bovine animals and arrested two persons, who have been identified as Sunil Kumar Sharma, son of Mohan Lal of Gransoo Nallah and Mohammad Mushtaq, son of Mohammad Guddu of Ragoora, Sidhra District Jammu. Meanwhile, a team from Police Station Jhajjar Kotli headed by SHO Rajesh Khajuria rescued 30 bovine animals from two trucks and apprehended one person. The arrested person was identified as Ravinder Singh, son of Amit Singh of Simbal District Jammu. Cases under relevant sections have been registered at Police Station Gangyal and Jhajjar Kotli and investigation started.