West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday wished Bollywood Superstar Shah Rukh Khan on his 54th birthday and said the state was proud to have him, as its brand ambassador. She wished Khan good health and success and prayed that he continues to keep entertaining people with his films. “Warmest birthday greetings, Shah Rukh @iamsrk. Wish you good health and all the success in life, my charming brother. We are proud to have you as Brand Ambassador of #Bangla. Keep entertaining us with your films,” Banerjee wrote on her Twitter handle. Banerjee, who shares a very cordial relationship with Khan also wished the superstar in another tweet in Bengali. The chief minister also added that they will meet at the 25th Kolkata International Film Festival (KIFF) which will be hosted by the state government. “See you at 25th #Kolkata International Film Festival #KIFF2019,” she added. Khan along with other big names of Bollywood will grace the opening of the 25th Kolkata International Film Festival on November 8. The festival will be inaugurated by Banerjee.