Bus stand police traced a missing purse containing valuables and jewellery within hours and handed over the same to its original owner. As per the reports, one Girdhari Lal Koul and his wife Nirmala Koul, residents of Roop Nagar (Jammu) boarded a mini-bus bearing registration number JK02U-8171 and while boarding off, Nirmala Koul forgot her purse containing valuables and jewellery in the mini-bus. The couple approached SHO of police station Bus stand, Inspector Pankaj Sharma with a missing complaint. The SHO along with his team comprising Senior Grade Constables Narender Kumar and Shah Israr acted swiftly and within a few hours located the mini-bus in which the lady had left her purse. The conductor of the mini-bus, Vinod Sharma, handed over the lost bag to the police which further handed over the same to its original owner. The couple appreciated the working of Bus stand police which traced the missing purse in such a short duration.