As polling for 288 assembly constituencies in Maharashtra began on Monday, scores of B-Town celebrities arrived at their designated polling stations to cast votes. Aamir Khan and wife Kiran Rao were among the many early voters. The star couple was seen at a polling booth in Bandra(West). While the ace actor urged the citizens of Maharashtra to exercise their franchise his wife asked people to vote wisely for the happiness and development of the state. Madhuri Dixit, Riteish Deshmukh along with wife Genelia cast their vote in Mumbai on Monday and urged people to come out in large numbers to exercise their democratic right in the Maharashtra Assembly polls. Congress MLA Amit Deshmukh, who is the son of former chief minister late Vilasrao Deshmukh, and his family members voted at Babhalgaon in Latur district. Amit Deshmukh is seeking a third term as MLA from Latur (city) seat. His younger brother Dhiraj Deshmukh is the Congress’ candidate from Latur (rural) seat. State Congress president Balasaheb Thorat voted at Sangamner in Ahmednagar district. Former chief minister and senior Shiv Sena leader Manohar Joshi cast his vote at Dadar in Mumbai.